The 2000s began with preparations for major changes in the Soldiers’ Home Association. Many local soldiers’ home associations prepared for the closure of their homes due to the closure of garrisons. The Act on Voluntary National Defence Training was being drafted, and it also gave faith in the future in the Soldiers’ Home Association.

The Finnish Defence Forces began to develop a few large garrisons in particular, which had a negative impact on the financial situation of local soldiers’ home associations in smaller garrisons. A solution to this situation began to be sought under the leadership of the Soldiers’ Home Association.

Preparations for centralized joint procurements of soldiers’ home associations had already begun earlier, and the work was completed under the leadership of chairperson Tarja Kiira. Centralized procurement allowed large and small associations to buy products with the same benefits. Particular emphasis was placed on the importance of community spirit and solidarity within the organization.

Tarja Kiira reminded in her article in the Sotilaskoti magazine that the value of communality should also lead to concrete results: “Communality obliges associations to continue to work by helping and supporting each other for the benefit of the entire soldiers’ home organization, also in matters affecting conscripts and the economy.”

A sense of community was also added as one of the organization’s recorded values. The previously recorded values were voluntariness, competence and self-development, reliability, cheerfulness and service-mindedness.

A renewed cooperation agreement was signed with the Finnish Defence Forces on the organization of soldiers’ home and canteen operations in emergency conditions. Cooperation and policies of soldiers’ home associations and victualling centres to eliminate overlapping activities were also surveyed.

At the very beginning of the decade, in the year of the 80th anniversary of the Soldiers’ Home Association, a significant event was the award by the Grand Master of the Order of the Cross of Liberty with yellow-red ribbons to be worn on the flag of the Soldiers’ Home Association.